
The PROMISE EPI study is funded by:

This project is part of the EDCTP2 Programme supported by the European Union
The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership – EDCTP

This research is also funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) using UK aid from the UK Government to support global health research.

The PROMISE PEP trial was jointly funded by:

      This project is part of the EDCTP2 Programme supported by the European Union
The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership – EDCTP
  Research Council of Norway

The PROMISE Saving Brains trial was funded by:

   Grand Challenges Canada

The PROMISE EBF trial was funded by:

The European Union through the FP6 INCO-DEV, Framework 6 Programme for International Cooperation with Developing Countries

All projects have received contributions from the involved institutions:

 University of Bergen
 Université de Montpellier