Ongoing project:
Completed projects:
- ANRS 12397 PROMISE EPI Study: Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1: programme evaluation and innovative rescue intervention integrated in the Expanded Programme of Immunization (2019 – 2022)
- PROMISE EBF: Safety and efficacy of exclusive breastfeeding promotion in the era of HIV (2005-2011)
- PROMISE SB: Saving Brains in Uganda and Burkina Faso (2012-2014)
- PROMISE PEP: Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (2008-2012)
- PROMISE M & S: Infant Peri-Exposure Prophylaxis to Prevent HIV-1 Transmission by Breastfeeding: Mechanisms & Safety (2017-2018)
- PROMISE TB (2013-2015)